Oct 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Sarah decided to be a "good witch" this year, a sign she is maturing past fairies and pumpkins of the past. :)

Oct 23, 2011

Trip Pics!

More Trip Pics!

Sarah had a great time in Orlando with her uncles.

Oct 11, 2011


Sarah gave Mommy and Daddy anniversary cards this past weekend (Mommy's card has two Daddies since the first one was too big to fit legs). She also drew another picture, this one of us going to Walt Disney World...notice the suitcases in our hands.

Oct 5, 2011

Day With Thomas

Sarah visited Thomas the train at the Oklahoma Railroad Museum this past weekend.

Oct 4, 2011

Shopping Love

Sarah put this together, words and all, to show her and Mommy shopping at Target. :)