Jul 29, 2011

Old Time Fun

Daddy, Nana, and Sarah went to the Edmond Historical Museum yesterday, and Sarah played dress up, store, and even got to put daddy in jail!

Jul 21, 2011

Makeup Magic

Fun times with the online makeover at www.taaz.com.

Jul 19, 2011


Sarah got to dance with her daddy's cousin's son (2nd cousin?) Jonah on Sunday.

Jul 18, 2011

Reading and Pic

Sarah has about 125 books! Plus, she's already packed in her mind for our Walt Disney World trip in October. :)

Jul 13, 2011


Sarah has been going to gymnastics camp this week.

Jul 10, 2011

Wedding Day

Grammy bought Sarah a "bride" dress.

Jul 2, 2011

More Trip Pics!

Trip Pics!

Sarah had a great time visiting Aunty Meg and Uncle Craig in Georgia. She got the play on the beach and visit the aquarium in Charleston.